Download Photos & Videos from CareApp | Save Photos & Videos on CareApp
If you are a Provider Administrator on CareApp you will be able to download photos from CareApp.
Other role types such as Site Coordinator, Team Member, Family, and Customer accounts are subject to organisational settings. If you find you are not able to save photos off of CareApp please check with your care community.
Please click on the tab below that aligns with the type of device you are using.
Samsung/ Android

2. You will now see a page with information on the Photo or Video - Tap on the Photo or Video again to open it to a full page view.

3. Tap on the "Download" to download it onto your device.

iPhone/ iPad
1. Tap on the Photo or Video from your CareApp Feed.
Additional steps for some iPhone models:
4. Tap on the "Share" arrow.
5. Tap "Save Image" in the menu.
1. Find the photo on CareApp that you wish to download.
2. Click on the image - it will take you to the information page where you can see details about the photo.
3. At the top right of the image, click on the arrow to save. (The arrow will only appear if photo downloading is turned on for your account type. If you do not see an arrow please check with your care community).