Insights dashboard | View Insights as a Site Coordinator and Provider Administrator
Insights into your Site or Provider activity is available on CareApp-Web for Site Coordinators and Provider Administrators.
Simply log into your CareApp account at and click on the “Insights” tab from the menu.
Site Coordinator
A Site Coordinator can easily see an overview of all activities on CareApp for the site they are connected to, as well as a top-level comparison with other sites at the provider (if part of a group).
The Insights Dashboard contains data on Active Customers, Customers With Family, Customers With Posts, Posts per Customer, Time Between Posts, Top Moments, Most Active Sites, Posts Breakdown and Engagement Breakdown.
Insights are always displayed for a date range, with the default range being one month. Click the calendar to select a new range.
Dashboard breakdown
Active Customers | The total number of “Active” Customer profiles (i.e. not “deactivated” customers) for the period |
Customers With Family | The number of Customer profiles with Active (connected) Family for the period |
Customers With Posts | The number of Customer profiles that have received posts within the period |
Posts per Customer | The average number of posts created per customer profile, across all customers who have received a post within the period |
Average Time Between Posts | The average time between posts at a site, within the period |
Top Moments | The Posts that have received the most engagement, where engagement means views, hearts and comments, within the period |
Most Active Sites | A leaderboard list of all sites in the provider, shown in order of Most Active to Least Active. Learn More. |
Posts Breakdown | A list of types of posts and the number created within the period |
Engagement Breakdown | A list of types of engagement and the number of interactions for each type within the period |
Most Connected Sites | A leaderboard list of all sites in the provider, shown in order of Most Connected to Least Connected. Learn More. |
By Customer
The “By Customer” page allows Site Coordinators to view data on a “By Customer” basis.
Each Active Customer profile will be listed with data on the number of pieces of content created, wellbeing checks, views, hearts, comments and the number of staff and family connected.
To sort from highest to lowest within each category, simply click on the icon at the top of each column to order the Customer profiles.
You can export a csv report on this data, by clicking the Export button.

By Staff
The “By Staff” page allows Site Coordinators to view data on a “By Staff” basis.
Each Staff member will be listed with data on the number of posts they have created, the number of wellbeing checks, views, hearts and comments.
To sort from highest to lowest within each category, simply click on the icon at the top of each column to order the Customer profiles.
You can export a csv report on this data, by clicking the Export button.

The “Answers” page allows Site Coordinators to view the Question posts that have been created for CareApp members, and the answers that have been returned.
Download the responses by clicking the download button on each question.

The “Feedback” page allows Site Coordinators to view feedback from their community within the period selected.
You can export a csv report on this data, by clicking the Export button.

Provider Administrator
A Provider Administrator can easily see an aggregated overview of activities on CareApp across their organisation, as well as an overview of activities at a Site level. To view at a Site level simply click ‘Go to Site’ and select the site you wish to view; then select “Insights” for that site's data.
The Insights dashboard contains data on Active Customers, Customers With Family, Customers With Posts, Posts per Customer, Time Between Posts, Top Moments, Most Active Sites, Posts Breakdown and Engagement Breakdown.
Provider Administrators can access this tab at any time and use it to manage their sites engagement in CareApp.
Insights are always displayed for a date range, with the default range being one month. Click the calendar to select a new range.
Dashboard breakdown
Active Customers | The total number of “Active” Customer profiles (i.e. not “deactivated” customers) for the period for all sites within the Provider |
Customers With Family | The number of Customer profiles with connected Family for the period within the Provider |
Customers With Posts | The number of Customer profiles that have received posts within the period within the Provider |
Posts per Customer | The average number of posts created per customer profile, across all customers who have received a post within the period within the Provider |
Average Time Between Posts | The average time between posts at a site, within the period |
Top Moments | The Posts that have received the most engagement, where engagement means views, hearts and comments, within the period within the Provider |
Most Active Sites | A leaderboard list of all sites in the provider, shown in order of Most Active to Least Active. Learn More. |
Posts Breakdown | A list of types of posts and the number created within the period within the Provider |
Engagement Breakdown | A list of types of engagement and the number of interactions for each type within the period within the Provider |
Most Connected Sites |
A leaderboard list of all sites in the provider, shown in order of Most Connected to Least Connected, where ‘connected’ means the number of Active (connected) Family members / divided by the number of Customers in the site. The green and red arrows denote the movement of sites up or down the leaderboard compared with the previous period; a dash means that the site has not moved |
By Customer
The “By Customer” page allows Provider Administrators to view data on a “By Customer” basis within the Provider.
Each Active Customer profile will be listed with data on the number of pieces of content created, wellbeing checks, views, hearts, comments and the number of staff and family connected.
To sort from highest to lowest within each category, simply click on the icon at the top of each column to order the Customer profiles.
You can export a csv report on this data, by clicking the Export button.

By Staff
The “By Staff” page allows Provider Administrators to view data on a “By Staff” basis within the Provider.
Each Staff member will be listed with data on the number of posts they have created, the number of wellbeing checks, views, hearts and comments.
To sort from highest to lowest within each category, simply click on the icon at the top of each column to order the Customer profiles.
You can export a csv report on this data, by clicking the Export button.

The “Answers” page allows Provider Administrators to view the Question posts that have been created for CareApp members, and the answers that have been returned within the Provider.
Download the responses by clicking the download button on each question.

The “Feedback” page allows Provider Administrators to view feedback from all sites within their provider within the period selected.
You can export a csv report on this data, by clicking the Export button.